Difficult Language Training
The ESRC offers extra studentship support to students who need to acquire or develop working ability in a difficult language in order to carry out fieldwork (including UK fieldwork) or other parts of their research.
Any anticipated Difficult Language Training (DLT) should have been mentioned in the student’s original project proposal.
Supervisor’s support of the application is required.
Applications will be considered where the training is essential to the success of the research project, and the case for this must be made in the application. UK options should be considered first, for example, via the Oxford University Language Centre. However, overseas language training remains eligible for support.
Alongside an extension of funding, students can apply for support for costs related to the language training.
Eligible expenses include:
- course costs*
- travel
- accommodation costs**
- visas
* The fund is limited so large scale, accredited training courses in the UK and overseas cannot be supported if the cost is too high.
**For overseas trips over 3 months, we expect accommodation costs to be covered by the student’s stipend.
The length of extension (ranging from 3 months to a maximum of 12 months, see: Annex 1 of the ESRC Postgraduate Funding Guide.) depends on the student’s current skill level, the difficulty of the language, and the length of time that needs to be taken away from studies.
Extensions beyond six months are allowed only if the student needs to spend time overseas to obtain the required language skills.
Please note that the total period of extensions of any award will not normally exceed 12 months, and cannot exceed the University enrolment period or thesis submission deadline. If an extension of 12 months is granted for DLT, the student will not be entitled to further extensions for other purposes (e.g. Overseas Institutional Visit, suspension of studies, except in the case of sick leave or parental leave).
Approval of a DLT application and any consequent extension to the studentship relates only to the funding arrangements, and will not affect your University status and deadlines. You should contact your department if you have queries about your enrolment status.
Please ensure you have read your University’s health and safety guidelines and policies relating to overseas travel. You should also check with your department for any University and departmental risk assessment rules concerning travel, along with Foreign Office website for updates on the safety of overseas destinations at https://www.gov.uk/browse/abroad and https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice.
The DTP cannot provide support for overseas travel if either the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) or another national government body (in the case of international students or dual nationals) advises against visiting the country or area concerned. All overseas travel must be subject to a formal risk assessment and departmental approval. It is your responsibility to ensure that risk assessments are completed prior to your intended dates of travel. The DTP cannot approve any funding for activities for which the student’s department/university body has not also granted risk assessment approval, in addition to being in line with FCDO or other pertinent national government guidance.
The visit should be covered by the travel insurance policy of the student’s host institution. Please speak to your respective department/university body about this process.
You must apply to the DTP at least 3 months before the proposed activity, to ensure time for consideration and to give yourself plenty of planning time. However, if an opportunity arises with less notice, please do still contact the DTP office of your home institution for advice, as, in exceptional circumstances, we may be able to approve these.
Any applications received within 3 months of the proposed activity may not be reviewed, so please get in touch regarding opportunities with less notice as soon as possible. In all cases, applications must be submitted prior to the start of the activity; retrospective applications will not be considered.
Applications will be reviewed at the end of every month. Therefore, it may take 3-6 weeks of submission of a completed application to receive a decision.
Decisions for applications involving travel will not be finalised until the DTP office has received confirmation of an approved risk assessment and appropriate travel insurance. However, you may submit your DLT application form to your DTP office for review ahead of receiving approval of your risk assessment, as we can review this whilst you await approval from your department.
If a grant is approved, funds will be distributed as per local practice at your home institution, and no further funding will be provided beyond the amount confirmed in the award letter. All expenses must be supported by detailed receipts.
When completing your application, think of it as an opportunity to practice grant-writing skills. You must make a strong case, demonstrating careful planning and investigation of costs options to ensure value for money.
Summary of Proposed Activity
Please provide full details of the training being undertaken.
Ensure you have discussed the timing of the training with your supervisor in relation to the progress of your studies, any formal programme assessments, and your plans to utilise other schemes available by the DTP. You should explain why you feel the proposed timing is appropriate.
Level of Funding Requested
Provide comparative estimates of the costs you expect to incur, alongside evidence to support these, that are above those usually covered by your funding arrangements (e.g. flights, accommodation).
Case for Support
In this section you should provide a clear and reasoned case for the support for the training, explaining how it is essential to the completion of your project. If you are applying for support for training overseas, make sure to explain why it cannot be undertaken in the UK.
Please provide information on your current skill level with the language, prior training, and estimated time to be spent on the training.
The DTP will assess how your application shows value for money and therefore, you should ensure you justify the cost estimates listed, particularly if they are not the most cost-effective options.
Any Other Relevant Information
Please list anything further that you may feel is relevant for consideration of your application. The language training must be integral to the completion of your project and as such the ESRC expects it to have been clearly identified in your initial research proposal. If it was not listed in your doctoral application, please explain what has changed and why it is now considered essential.
If a grant is approved, funds will be distributed as per local practice at your home institution, and no further funding will be provided beyond the amount confirmed in the award letter.
All expenses must be supported by original receipts and any other additional information required.
All reimbursements must be settled within 3 months of the activity taking place, following local practice at your home institution.
In addition to the above financial support limits, the GUDTP maintains an Access Fund designated to assist students who would not otherwise be able to engage with DTP activities due to caring responsibilities, or for those with disabilities associated with higher costs for activities. This is particularly the case for overseas activity where the Government’s Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) is not available. Access funding is limited and is intended to supplement, rather than replace, support available through home universities. Both home universities and host organisation are asked to assist where possible.