External Learning and Development Resources
In addition to learning and developmet opportunities offered by the GUDTP, we encourage our students to make the most of the training offer of our colleagues within and beyond our three partner universities.
To get you started, we have compiled here a list of popular training and resources.
Please note that registration processes and eligibility criteria vary.
If you face any difficulties in accessing events advertised by the following teams, please contact us at granduniondtp@socsci.ox.ac.uk and we will be able to advise you on a case by case basis.
Careers and Employability Service
Careers and Employability Service
Professional Development Centre
Professional Development Centre
Social Sciences Researcher Development
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
Open University
Open University
Brunel University of London
Brunel University of London
Impact & Knowledge Exchange
Research Methods
National Centre for Research Methods
National Centre for Research Methods
Department for Continuing Education
Department for Continuing Education
UKRI Events